2025 Spring Nucs Sale Preorder
Our bees are Michigan bees that stay in Michigan year round and all raised from overwintered stock bred for this climate. All our queens are raised by us and open mated “Michigan mutts”. Spring Nucs are splits from our healthiest overwintered colonies with vibrant new queens raised by us.
All nucs come with 5 frames of honey, pollen, brood in all stages and a young, mated queen. Please fill out the form to order a Nuc.
Our Honeybees
We manage over 150 honeybee colonies and have kept bees for over ten years. Our bees are kept in small yards around the Dexter-Chelsea area to ensure they are managed sustainably and have abundant access to native flowers for nectar and pollen forage.
What Is Raw Honey?
Raw honey is minimally processed (straining only!) to maintain all of its natural nutrients and benefits. We don’t heat it any hotter than it would be found naturally in the hive, and we only strain it through mesh that is small enough to remove wax particles, but still big enough to leave all the naturally occuring pollen.
Raw Honey Benefits
- Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties
- Excellent healthy alternative to nutritionally and environmentally harmful processed sugars
- Used to combat seasonal allergies by helping gently acclimate your body and reduce allergy symptoms via naturally occuring microdoses of local pollen in the honey.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Learning to care for honeybees and manage an apiary has a steep but rewarding learning curve. We are happy to accept hobbyist beekeepers to expand their skills in effective honeybee management by volunteering with our apiary.
Contact Us for volunteer opportunities.
Where to find our honey:
Our On Site Farm Stand at 475 N Fletcher Rd (open year round)
Chelsea Farmers Market- chelseafarmersmkt.org
Argus Farmstop –argusfarmstop.com – Ann Arbor, MI (at two locations, Packard St & Liberty St.)
Agricole-agricolefarmstop.com– Chelsea, MI
We do sell honey in wholesale amounts such as 5 gallon buckets, discount on large volumes. Please call us for pricing at 517-250-1222.